Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Final Text

Ring had always been in an important place for fashion as a jewellery, but beyond being an accessory, it is a symbol for many inward things.  I tried to focus more on the meanings and reasons. Symbol can have a lot of meanings in different manners.

Even as an accessory, ring can be symbolic and have meaning like people wear their names or icons of the things that they love as a jewellery. Ring can be worn to remember a promise types of rings ): to your wife/husband, to your lover, to your friend, to yourself (purity ring), to your profession (eg. doctors and engineers). It makes me remember the ribbon that you wrap on your finger to not to forget about something important.

The most important and the most common meaning that ring has is being a symbol of marriage and family.  There is a ceremony called "ring exchange" which couples put each others' ring while spoiling their vows in weddings. It shouldn't be forgotten that also the proposals are made with representing a diamond ring. ( some story about wedding rings )

It doesn't have to be a marriage for a ring to represent love. Couples also wear rings when they're engaged or when they promise to each other to be loyal and remember their togetherness always. It is also considered as showing everyone and the world that they're belong to someone.

One more meaning of ring is eternity. There is a saying that the "circle" of the ring means "infinity" and the space is a door to an unknown world which you will enter with the one you marry. Also the reason why wedding ring is worn on the left hands' 4th finger is related to the eternity. According to a belief, 4th finger of the left hand represents the soulmate who one will spend his/her lifetime and they can't be apart.

In conclusion, every ring is worn for a reason and has a special meaning on its own. We can say that the object is very personal. Even if two people wear the same ring, the memories that they remind are different and have another meaning for each person. Since a long time ring's place in human life has been the same, and it will remain its' place.

Concept Map

Thursday, January 10, 2013

With This Ring...

Exchanging rings and vows are traditional in weddings. It's a special part of the ceremony. While some couples prefer to write their own special vows, some of them prefer classic ones. Here are some examples for the classic vows and some religious ones.

Photograph source:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Songs after 90's

Baby Wants a Diamond Ring-The Squirrel Nut Zippers 2000

Nil Karaibrahimgil-Pırlanta(Diamond) 2006
Translation of the chorus:

Put your right hands up
Diamonds over here
Bought my own diamond
Put it on myself, on my own
So don't get the wrong idea

Sheryl Crow-Diamond Ring 2008

Chipmunk-Diamond Rings 2009

Rihanna-Diamond 2012

Songs in 90's

Lisa Brokop - Give Me A Ring Sometime 1994

Bon Jovi-Diamond Ring 1995

Songs before 90's

Bobby Darin-Wear my Ring 1957

Elvis Presley-Wear my Ring Around Your Neck 1958

Gary Lewis and the Playboys-The Diamond Ring 1965

George Jones and Tammy Wynette- Golden ring 1976

“What is in my hand that I can use to change the world around me?”

In 2007, an organization founded which is based on the donations of wedding rings. The mission is bringing clean water to third world countries, namely Africa and Central America.

Jewellery Sets

Rings are thought to be a set with necklace and earrings. And sometimes also with bracelets. 
We can say that necklaces and earrings are the accessories which are in a very close relationship with rings. Even when not wearing a set, women are careful about the harmony of those accessories. They have to go with each other.

Photograph Sources:

Production Stages

As I mentioned in "Ancient Rings" post before, even with the technology, ring production still requires craftmanship. For sure it's going to decrease with time, for example as the 3D machines spread, making the master model with the real mine is going to disappear. Here are some videos of production stages:

Basic Silver Ring without casting:

A diamond ring with pre-casted hoop and claws:

Stages of casting-preparation and casting:

After casting processes: mounting and polishing:

Story of Production

Ring in Fantasy and Cartoons

TV Series Supernatural
4 Horsemen Death, War, Pestilence and Famine uses their rings to expose their power

TV Series Vampire Diaries
Vampires wear a ring in order to be able to go out during the day

Movie Harry Potter
Marvolo Gaunt's Ring is one of the Horcruxes (Voldemort split his soul in 7 pieces and place those pieces in objects, so even if he dies, he would be able to return and those objects called Horcruxes)

Comics-Cartoon Green Lantern
Green Lantern wears a magic ring which carries a concentration of magic energy

Cartoon Tom and Jerry:The Magic Ring
Ring diffuse a spell everytime it tapped and it stucks on Jerry's head


Articles about Ring

There are some articles that I found about rings in a matter of history, culture and society, click for full texts:

Some Famous Rings by M.J. Onahan

Rings with a Story by Arthur Anderson

The Wedding Ring by Edward J. Wood

The E-Book of Edward James Wood that article appears: The Wedding Day in All Ages and Countries

The Wedding Ring and Human Behavior: Current Research and Future Directions by Dario Maestripieri

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ancient Rings

Catalogue of a collection of ancient rings. Creator: Seymour de Ricci (1881-1942)
There are some websites which you can see a collection of ancient jewellery and rings and buy them. Some of them consist only one material, and some of them have really good craftmanship with clean surface and transfixed stones/gems (which are really expensive in that case).

What I realise after an examination of ancient rings is although the tools for the workmanship has changed and developed, the most famous and the most worn models are the same since almost the beginning. Even after the Revolution of Industry and mass production. That means physical appearence of rings has reached the maturity level very early in the ancient times. Maybe it's because the production of rings hasn't transformed completely into mechanized. The process still requires handiwork.

Here are some examples of the collections:
Click images for going to websites

Photograph source:

Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien

Lord of the Rings is a fantasy novel series written by Tolkien between 1937 and 1949. 
The trilogy consists the following books:
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

It's world's third best selling novel with over 150 million copies sales. There are some quotes which are very famous and known by every reader and everyone who has seen the movie:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Two Towers

“The world is full enough of hurts and mischances without wars to multiply them.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Return of the King

First movie of the trilogy was on the theaters in 2001:
Director: Peter Jackson

The Two Towers 2002
Director:Peter Jackson
The Return of the King 2003

Director: Peter Jackson


Monday, January 7, 2013


Some examples of patents of rings:
Click names under the images for pdfs of the patents

Where do we keep our rings?

Rings are oftenly kept in their special boxes or in bigger jewellery boxes with other jewelleries.
Some of them are with drawers and some of them are with seperators.
Some (especially vintage ones) are with music with a dancing ballerina. I myself also used to have one of those jewellery boxes with music which you have to wind a handle to make it play.

Other option is jewellery holders or ring holders which are more special for rings:


"Ring a Day" Project

In 2010, Nina Dinoff decided to start the "Ring a Day" project which she would make a ring every day during a year. Also other artists joined her in this project. After one year, they made a show and an exhibition as a part of the  Society of North American Goldsmiths conference in Seattle May 26-29th 2011

Ring in Photography

Rings in the photographs are sometimes a part of the Wedding Photography.
And a lot of photographers have a special collection of ring photographs.
Some of them really likes to take a photograph of rings as an object.
Here are some examples:


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Packages of Ring

Rings shouldn't be thought apart from their packages. Because it's special and it's often given as a gift or for proposal. That's why package is also special and sometimes the package is designed just for that ring. 
Here are some examples of the packages:
